Where Can I Get an Indian Head Massage?

Indian Massage Melbourne | Everything Indian
Everything Indian

An Indian Head Massage is the most relaxing massage you will ever have. It feels so good to have your head and scalp massaged. Looking for Indian Massage near me that puts you in a cheerful and relaxed condition? 

So an Indian Head and Scalp Massage releases all of those beneficial hormones. Like dopamine, which gets you high and pleased like a drug yet is completely natural. Or endorphins, which completely soothe and relax you. Serotonin also acts as a natural anti-depressant by putting you in a happy mood.

Because you're concentrating so hard on your lovely head massage, you begin to clear your mind. I'm feeling more at ease and even a little tired. In addition to the upper back, shoulder, neck, and head muscles. Also beneficial for migraines, headaches, insomnia, and stress. Get Indian Massage Melbourne through our Directory to relax.

A traditional Indian Massage treatment begins with the shoulders, kneading into this area particularly because it frequently carries a lot of tension. Working along the shoulder blades, massage the upper back as well. Following that, flowing strokes will be used to massage and extend the neck, relieving stress and tension. Finally, the scalp is massaged along the acupressure points on the head, and in non-corporate settings, the forehead and the area surrounding the eyes are rubbed. Depending on the techniques utilized, the upper back and arms can also be massaged.

This massage may be used with oils in a spa setting to condition the hair and stimulate growth and good skin. Coconut and almond oils are the most commonly used and are ideal for dry hair. Mustard oil, sesame oil, olive oil, and jasmine oil can also be utilized for skin and hair health, with various specific benefits.

In a mobile or corporate context, however, the massage is frequently performed without oils to make it more accessible. However, the massage will have natural conditioning effects because the techniques utilized will relax the hair follicles, increasing natural hair oil.

History of Indian Head Massage

The Indian head massage is an ancient therapeutic treatment that has been practiced in India for over 2,000 years (around 600 B.C.) by mothers on their daughters. It is part of the Ayurvedic medicine practice, which tries to prolong longevity and balance the body's energy. It was frequently used with spices and herbs to enhance good health and skin.

The Indian head massage was traditionally utilized during weddings and childbirth. Many babies are still given massages to keep them healthy nowadays. Massage is also commonly used at spas and barbershops.

The Benefits of Indian Head Massage

There are major benefits of Indian head massage; here are a few examples:

  • Increases the amount of oxygen in the hair follicles, stimulating growth and health.
  • Prevents headaches and migraines by alleviating muscle stiffness and relaxing tension in the head and neck.
  • Working with the three upper chakras, renews and balances energy levels.
  • Relaxation alleviates depression and anxiety symptoms.
  • Improves memory by decreasing tension and quieting the mind.
  • Circulating blood to the neck area stimulates lymphatic drainage.
  • Reduced stress leads to better sleep.
  • Improves cerebral spinal fluid circulation

Psychological Benefits

  • Stress, anxiety, and sadness are all reduced.
  • Assists the body in reaching a state of homeostasis - a balanced sense of calm and harmony.
  • It relaxes the mind.

I hope you enjoyed reading about another Indian Massage blog. If you want to make an appointment for Indian Massage Melbourne, please contact the Indian Business Directory of Australia. Everything Indian has a list of Indian Massage Services in Melbourne, VIC Australia. Visit the Directory Now!

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